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Bird Clubs
This where you can describe your bird club.; Your City, Ma Contact: Your Contact Name (978) 555-1212 email: webmaster@parrotpages.com URL: http://www.parrotpages.com (Wed May 13 21:15:23 1998) ![]()
Minnestoa State Pigeon Association serves the 5 State Area in promoting the Pigeon and Dove fancy through Pro Active education of the hobby, sponsoring community/club events, several swap meets each year and a yearly Pigeon Show known as the 'North Star Classic'. ; St. Louis Park, MN Contact: Mark R Roberts, Secretary (612) 930-0056 email: von-krenz@juno.com URL: http:// (Fri Jul 10 23:24:22 1998) ![]()
INDIAN SUMMER BIRD FAIR Saturday, September 5, 1998 9 to 5 Tulsa Convention Center Conference Hall, 100 Civic Center 6th Street Houston Avenue Free Admission; Tulsa, OK Contact: Barbara Manning (405) 245-1270 email: beau@gorilla.net URL: http:// (Sat Jul 18 10:16:31 1998) ![]()
Arizona Seed Crackers bird club. Meetings, seminars, bird marts. Everyone welcome!; Mesa, AZ Contact: Amber (602) 838-8700 email: seedcrackers@usa.net URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/7010 (Tue Aug 25 14:40:31 1998) ![]()
Join The Friendliest Bird Club In Town ! Our Plano, TX based bird club welcomes breeders and pet owners alike, but most of our activities are geared towards pet owners since a majority of our members are not breeders. We have a monthly meeting which features educational speakers, field trips,and a great raffle with lots of bird items. And we love just chatting to each other about our crazy birds! Membership is only 15 a year. Please contact Tiffany Cady for more info and a free newsletter.; Dallas, TX Contact: Tiffany Cady (972) 418-8725 email: tcady@airmail.net URL: http://www.webworks.ml.org/peba (Thu Jan 7 16:15:52 1999) ![]()
We have a meeting every month, guest speaker and Bird Behavior Seminar and Bird Mart. For more information email or check out our web site.; Las Vegas , NV Contact: Irene Anderson (702) 737-7302 email: lvbirdclub@aol.com URL: http://www.members.tripod.com/~lvbirdclub (Sat Jan 30 00:31:53 1999) ![]()
Mid America Cage Bird Society is based in Des Moines Iowa. We have 3 bird fairs a year and a bird show. Our website has the MACBS events, the newsletter, and online bird chats all listed. ; Des Moines , IA Contact: Nat Stickland (000) 000-0000 email: macbs@yahoo.com URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/3777/ (Tue Feb 16 13:41:51 1999) ![]()
SPPC is a club devoted to those silly little bundles of fluff: Senegals. Every other week a newsletter is sent out via e mail. The letters contain such topics as: Recipes, jokes, and stories. It's a fun club for all ages!; Armonk, NY Contact: Ricki L. (914) 765-0183 email: Chessie007@aol.com URL: http://seneclub.com (Fri Apr 16 20:32:23 1999) ![]()
We are having a fund raising fair/show on August 28th and 29th, 1999 at the St. Charles Expo Center in St. Charles, MO off of Hwy 70 at the 5th street exit. The doors open to public at 10am on both days; Caseyville, IL Contact: Sharon Nochta (618) 398-4896 email: Brdkpr@aol.com URL: http:// (Wed Jun 30 09:16:19 1999) ![]()
The club is online. It's for anyone who has the web, and an e mail address. The club is called The Quaker Parrot Club, and it's for Quaker Parrots. There's a chat, a place to post pictures, a place to post messages, and much more. For more info. contact Brie at ABFS11211@aol.com. Thank you~!; N/A/N/A, IL Contact: Brie Baltes (121) 121-1212 email: ABFS11211@aol.com URL: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thequakerparrotclub?as (Mon Jul 12 20:43:01 1999) ![]()
October 31, 1999! Toledo, Ohio. Knights of Columbus Hall on Secor rd. Bird fair! Lots of everything including great deals and fun! 10:00 4:00 pm. Admission 2.00 per person! Plan on joining in on the fun!; Toledo, OH Contact: Jim Bancroft (419) 381-0679 email: blueskies1@prodigy.net URL: http://www.blueskiesaviary.com/GreatLakesbirdclub/ (Wed Sep 8 22:10:34 1999) ![]()
BIRD MART Saturday October 2, 1999. Hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00PM at the Bates Nut Farm, 15954 Woods Valley Road in Valley Center, north San Diego County, California. Admission is free. The North County Aviculturists is open to anyone who keeps exotic birds of any type canaries to cockatoos, mynahs to macaws. Meetings are the 3rd Saturday of each month, 7:30 PM, at the Odd Fellows Lodge, 150 Hannalei Drive, Vista, California. ; Vista , CA Contact: Pearl Swatsek (760) 758-4393 email: nca_birdclub@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Tue Sep 14 04:17:19 1999) ![]()
Our site's name is BFBS Online. The BFBS is the oldest budgie society in North America as it was formed in 1938. However, we have expanded to include all other birds from the tiniest finch to the largest macaw. Come visit the site for information on aviculture, great photos and fantastic links.; Toronto, On Contact: Denise Antler (000) 000-0000 email: bfbs@geocities.com URL: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/5470 (Mon Jan 10 02:28:59 2000) ![]()
We are a small local club for all bird fanciers. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at The Central Rappahannock Regional Library. 1201 Caroline St., Fredericksburg, Va; Fredericksburg, VA Contact: Carolyn Sheppard (540) 775-0550 email: Jsheppard@goldfield.com URL: http:// (Thu Jan 27 14:38:17 2000) ![]()
Our club is made up of pet owners and breeders. Our annual fair is the first Sunday in August. We are interested in helping anyone who has questions pertaining to birds and exotic animals. In addition to our yearly bird fair, we also enjoy a summer picnic and a Christmas banquet. New members who share our love of birds are always welcome. ; Weyauwega, WI Contact: Robin Van Zeeland or Mary Wendt (920) 867-2376 email: rpvan@bigfoot.com URL: http:// (Wed Feb 9 10:08:03 2000) ![]()
A friendly Club to have fun and learn about Parrots.; Idaa, MI Contact: Micki (000) 000-0000 email: mickiandbird2@provide.net URL: http://fly.to/nwobc (Thu Feb 10 21:55:49 2000) ![]()
Looking for support and information about your companion bird and live in the Saskatoon area? The Saskatoon Parrot Club offers a variety of information and support services for new and experienced parrot owners. Call 306 254 4489 or e mail us @ donjanzen@sk.sympatico.ca ; Saskatoon, SK Contact: Karoleigh (306) 254-4489 email: donjanzen@sk.sympatico.ca URL: http:// (Wed Feb 16 19:49:41 2000) ![]()
The Parrot Club of Manitoba goals are: To mutually exchange knowledge, information and expertise relative to parrots and hook billed birds for the purpose of creating a better environment for the care of these birds. To exhibit and encourage the exhibition of parrots and other talking birds at public events. To promote the preservation and propagation of parrots and other talkings birds in Manitoba and Canada To educate the public in the proper care of parrots. ; Winnipeg, MB Contact: (204) 453-1854 email: ParrotClub@aol.com URL: http://www.parrotclubofman.mb.ca/ (Sat May 6 21:39:54 2000) ![]()
PBAV Annual Bird Mart, September 23, 2000, 9AM 6PM, Khedive Temple, 625 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia. For more information contact AJ at 757 431 1998 or pbav birdmart@hotmail.com; Virginia Beach, VA Contact: AJ Spangler (757) 431-1998 email: pbav_birdmart@hotmail.com URL: http:// (Sat May 13 16:53:03 2000) ![]()
Greater Rochester Avian Society BirdSmart Sunday, August 20, 2000 10 am to 5 pm Rochester Marriott Thruway 5257 West Henrietta Road Rochester, New York Contact: Martie Lauster 315 524 7768 mlauster@rochester.rr.com; Rochester, NY Contact: Martie Lauster (315) 524-7768 email: mlauster@rochester.rr.com URL: http:// (Thu Jun 29 23:42:32 2000) ![]()
The Cage Bird Club of Charlotte County, FL 1st Annual Bird Show and Fair Sunday, September 24, 2000 10:00 4:00 Sanctioned Bird Shows by: American Budgie Society, American Cockatiel, Society of Parrot Breeders Exhibitors and African Lovebird Society, Hourly Raffles! Downtown Punta Gorda at Taylor on the Waterfront; Punta Gorda, FL Contact: Mary Ann Kenne (941) 488-6891 email: lovenestaviary@cs.com URL: http:// (Wed Aug 23 21:48:33 2000) ![]()
The P.P.A.C.W offers general care advice for owners potential owners of these wonderful birds. On things like correct size cages, diet, micro chipping,pro's con's of wing clipping ect: We are unable to give vetrinary advice but will point people to an avian vet should the need arise We hold group meetings and disscusion groups for like minded parrot bird lovers! We also write articals for the media parrots and their people. ; cardiff, uk Contact: Julie Lewis (029) 208-6455 email: parrotcrazy@btinternet.com URL: http://www.petparrotclubuk.co.uk (Sat Oct 28 08:46:35 2000) ![]()
WSCBC Wheaton Bird Fair, Sat. Nov 18, 2000 10:00am 4:00pm DuPage County Fairgrounds, Wheaton, IL. 100 vendor tables, 3 large raffles, mini seminar talks, SOAR Save Our American Raptor Vendors from 7 states selling weaned baby birds, cages, toys, food, gifts, etc. Stock up on Holiday presents for you and your birds!; Wheaton, IL Contact: Therese (630) 879-9476 email: president@wscbc.org URL: http://www.wscbc.org (Fri Nov 3 00:13:52 2000) ![]()
We are holding a silent auction for our non profit organization on December 7th at the Torrance recreation center. Fantastic item such as season tickets to the South BAy Civic Light Opera, a Dinning basket,Fashion designer hat,A feather Mask,etc. Items from 3 to hundreds.; Redondo Beach, Ca Contact: Karen Allen (310) 372-8988 email: birdsnmor@aol.com URL: http://www.birdsandmore.com (Tue Nov 14 03:18:32 2000) ![]()
Proudly presents its 16th Bi Annual Cajun Heartland Bird Fair on April 21 22, 2001. Located at the Heymann Performing Arts Center, Lafayette, La. Saturday 9 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Sunday 10 p.m. 4 p.m. Contact our Fair Chairperson Grace Vincent 337 364 0113, gvincent@aisp.net or Club President Jimmy Guidry 337 334 3500 days only, Or you can email the club @ acadbirdclub@aol.com.; Lafayette, La Contact: Grace Vincent or Jimmy Guidry (337) 364-0113 email: acadbirdclub@aol.com URL: http://hometown.aol.com/acadbirdclub/index.html (Mon Nov 27 15:44:51 2000) ![]()
Proudly presents it 16th Bi Annual Bird Fair. April 21 22, 2001, located at the Heymann Performing Arts Center, Lafayette, La. Sat. 9 a.m. 5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. 4 p.m. For more information contact, Grace Vincent Fair Chairperson 337 364 0113, Jimmy Guidry, President 337 334 3500 days only or email the club acadbirdclub@aol.com; Lafayette, La Contact: Grace Vincent (337) 364-0113 email: acadbirdclub@aol.com URL: http://www.parrotpages.com (Mon Nov 27 15:49:32 2000) ![]()
Southeast TN Aviculture Society's Annual Spring Fair. Birds, cages, supplies. May 5 6, 2001 9am 5pm both days.Camp Joy...exit 11 off I75 north of Chattanooga, TN 5mi. out Hunter Rd. Info Teresa Burnette or Helen Thompson 423 745 8179 hfthom@usit.net; Niota, TN Contact: Teresa Burnette (423) 337-4597 email: tjburn2000@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Tue Jan 30 09:20:10 2001) ![]()
Southeast TN Aviculture Society. Local club dedicated to community. We provide educational programs for area schools, nursing homes, etc. Something for everyone, breeder, exhibitor, pet owner. Educational program covered dish dinner at every meeting. Meetings the second Sunday of each month at Niota School 2:00pm. Come hang out with our flock! Teresa Burnette or Helen Thompson 423 745 8179 hfthom@usit.net.; Niota, TN Contact: Teresa Burnette (423) 337-4597 email: tjburn2000@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Tue Jan 30 09:30:05 2001) ![]()
Southeast TN Aviculture Society Presents the Helen Thompson Memorial Show Fair. September 8 9, 2001. Niota, TN exit 56 off I75, about halfway between Chattanooga Knoxville. NAPS hookbill division, NCS cockatiel division NFSS finch division. Fair 9am 5pm both days. Admission 2 under 8 free.; Niota, TN Contact: Teresa Burnette (423) 337-4597 email: tjburn@icx.net URL: http:// (Wed Sep 5 17:39:44 2001) ![]()
The North County Aviculturists welcomes you whether you keep birds as pets, or breed birds as a business; have hookbills, canaries, finches, pigeons, softbills or gamebirds! The N.C.A. meets the third Saturday of each month in the Children's Chapel at 2111 Industrial Court next to the WestCoast Christian Center in Vista California north San Diego County . The doors open at 7:00 PM and the meeting starts at 7:30 PM. GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, AND IT'S FREE! ; Vista, CA Contact: Amy Runyon (760) 738-9337 email: nca_birdclub@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Fri Sep 7 01:51:11 2001) ![]()
Acadiana Bird Club Inc. Proudly presents our 19th bi annual cajun heartland bird fair. September 28th 29th, 2002. Sat. 9am 5pm, Sun. 10am 4pm, Heymann Performing Arts Convention Center, 1373 South College Road, Lafayette, Louisiana. Big bird raffle, club raffle, handfed breeder birds, toys, cages, feed, and supplies, clothing some personalized with your name! , gold silver jewelry amazing bird designs found no where else! , anything pertaining to birds or related will be there!; Lafayette, La Contact: Grace Vincent (337) 364-0113 email: acadbirdclub@aol.com URL: http://www.acadianabirdclub.com (Sat Oct 6 13:51:16 2001) ![]()
TRI STATE AVIAN SOCIETY S ANNUAL SPRING BIRD FAIR Saturday May 18th 9:00am to 5:00pm Sunday May 19th 9:00am to 5:00pm North Florida Fairgrounds Tallahassee, Florida BIRDS CAGES FOOD TOYS PERCHES GRAND PRIZE CONGO AFRICAN GREY PARROT W/CAGE 4 Prize Drawings daily! Veterinary Services available Sunday! Food Available General Admission: 2.00 Children under 12 yrs: Free! Vendor Tables 50.00 each For more information please contact: Grace Crouch @ 850 539 3935 ; Tallahassee, FL Contact: Barry Laster (850) 668-0908 email: barryl@polaris.net URL: http://www.tristateaviansociety.org (Sun Apr 14 15:43:20 2002) ![]()
The S.A.C.B.S.,Inc. is holding it's annual bird extravaganza July 27th and 28th at the Abba Temple Shrine Auditoriumin Mobile, AL. This is a once a year fair that attracts alot of merchants and and buyers from several states. Our organization is a non profit group and all proceeds are donated to avian research. For more Info Contact Mrs. Shelby Pate, Fair Chair Person, at: 1 215 661 4482, or Ms. Cathy Baird at 1 251 661 3666 or btata1228@aol.com.; Mobile, AL Contact: Shelby Pate (251) 661-4482 email: btata1228@aol.com URL: http:// (Thu May 30 15:49:07 2002) ![]()
All American Hookbill Fair! August 23, 2003 9:30AM 6 PM August 24, 2003 9:30 AM 5 PM 20,000 Sq Ft Vendor Space, Raffles, Big Cage Raffle, Silent Auction, Attendance Prizes, Avian Lectures with Dr Irene Pepperberg as the Featured Guest Speaker! Don't miss this event! Greensfelder Recreation Complex at Queeny Park, 550 Weidman Rd, Ballwin, MO 63011; Saint Louis, MO Contact: Phyllis Cotton (314) 427-3679 email: Intofish@aol.com URL: http://www.gatewayparrotclub.org (Tue Jun 3 17:12:31 2003) ![]()
RMSA November Bird Show and Mart! November 1 2 at Lakeside Shopping Center, Denver CO I 70 and Harlan TWO DAYS OF JUDGING! 50 vendors! ; Denver, CO Contact: Lisa McManus (303) 456-0068 email: shows@rmsa-birds.org URL: http://www.rmsa-birds.org (Fri Jun 27 08:32:17 2003) ![]()
Bird Fair and Show Labor Day Weekend August 30th and 31st Governor's House Hotel Phone:1 866 535 5392 Say "Bird Show" for special rate Free Admission Fair Hall opens at 9 5 shows daily 3 National Shows: NCS Cockatiel SPBE Parrot IPS Parrotlet 2 Regional Shows: NFSS Finch ALBS Love Birds Contact: Jo Reaves Atomictiels@aol.com; Montgomery, AL Contact: Jo Reaves (256) 892-2204 email: Atomictiels@aol.com URL: http:// (Wed Jul 23 08:13:05 2003) ![]()
Southeast Tennessee Aviculture Society presents our annual Show and Fair October 25 and 26, 2003 9am 5 pm. at Niota Elementary School, exit 56 off I 75, approx. ahlfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga. 2.7 miles from I 75, watch for signs. Show on Saturday, Oct. 25 only with NAPS, NCS and NFSS Divisions. Fair both days. Admission 2, under 8 free, accompanied by adult. ; Niota, TN Contact: Janet Burrell (423) 472-1306 email: jgb2202@aol.com URL: http:// (Tue Jul 29 13:51:55 2003) ![]()
Southeast Tennessee Aviculture Society presents our annual Show and Fair October 25 and 26, 2003 9am 5 pm. at Niota Elementary School, exit 56 off I 75, approx. halfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga. 2.7 miles from I 75, watch for signs. Show on Saturday, Oct. 25 only with NAPS, NCS and NFSS Divisions. Fair both days. Admission 2, under 8 free, accompanied by adult. ; Niota, TN Contact: Janet Burrell (423) 472-1306 email: jgb2202@aol.com URL: http:// (Tue Jul 29 13:52:45 2003) ![]()
Bird Fair and Show, Labor Day Weekend, August 30 31, 2003 at the Governor's House Hotel, 2705 East South Boulevard, Montgomery, AL. National shows for Cockatiels, Parrotlets, and Parrots. Regional show for Finch and Lovebird. National Cockatiel Society General membership meeting.; Montgomery, AL Contact: Jo Reeves (334) 288-6498 email: reaves36271@aol.com URL: http:// (Sun Aug 10 16:35:03 2003) ![]()
BIRD SHOW/BIRD FAIR. OCTOBER 12TH 2003 JUDGING: ABS American Budgerigar Society ACS American Cockatiel Society. ALBS African LoveBird Society. NFSS NatioalFinchSoftBillSociety SPBE SocParrotBreedersExhibitor Bird Sales and Bird Supplies Check out the show page on our website: http://exoticbirdclubofflorida.homestead.com/index.html vendor info ywweir@aol.com; 1275 Culver Road--Palm Bay.--32905, FL Contact: Jim McNamara . (321) 723-7739 email: YWWEIR@aol.com URL: http://http://exoticbirdclubofflorida.homestead.com/index (Sat Aug 16 13:30:30 2003) ![]()
The Club is a non profit organization but the Club will acquire benefits for its member. ; Hong Kong, na Contact: Jess Chu (852) 211-3211 email: jess@parrot.org.hk URL: http://www.parrot.org.hk (Sun Sep 28 23:55:58 2003) ![]()
Staten Island Bird Club offers bird owners and lovers opportunities to share the rewards and challenges of parrot ownership. Club membership allows for networking and resource sharing. ; Staten Island, NY Contact: President: Dominic J. Franzo, Sr. (718) 494-7834 email: DJFSR@aol.com ![]()
Mar. 27 28, 2004 Houma New Orleans LA Sat Sun 9:00 AM to 5:00PM Evergreen Cajun Center, 4694 West Main St/ La 24 Non Profit Organization Fair sponsored by Gulf South Bird Club Exotic birds of all types cages seed toys PLUS LARGE RAFFLE TABLE Contact after 5 PM: Mike Rhodes 985 446 0886 or Terry Loretta Perez 985 632 5016 tbirds@mobiletel.com Free Admission ; Houma, La Contact: Terry or Loretta Perez (985) 665-3902 email: tbirds@mobiletel.com URL: http:// (Sun Jan 11 07:33:35 2004) ![]()
Middle Tennessee Cage Bird Clubs Exotic Bird Fair Sale. April 17th 18th 2004 9am till 4pm both days Birds Seed Cage's Toy's Auction's Surgical Sexing both days By Dr. Scott McDonald Tennessee State Fairgrounds Nashville, Tn. Info; Bob Bryant Ph; 270 825 3628 lbryant@vci.net ; Nashville,, Tn Contact: Bob Bryant (270) 825-3628 email: lbryant@vci.net URL: http:// (Tue Mar 2 15:20:34 2004) ![]()
Middle Tennessee Cage Bird Clubs Exotic Bird Show. Oct 2nd 2004. Tennessee State Fairgrounds, Nashville. Tn. Show 10am till 5pm or until finished Oct. 2nd only 7 Divisions Hookbills Jace Burnette IPS Parrotlets Jace Burnette Finches Cecil Gunby Canary's Color Type Armondo Lee. Cockatiels Annette Howard Pet Div.. Show Wilma Crawford 615 890 6906 e mail tnma2@Comcast.net ; Nadhville -- (Oct.2--4--04 -Both events), Tn Contact: Wilma Crawford -Show--Bob Bryant-Fair (615) 890-6906 email: tnma2@comcast.net URL: http:// (Tue Mar 2 15:44:34 2004) ![]()
On Sunday October 3, 2004 our club will hold our 14th anuual Bird Mart at the Bernardo Winery in north San Diego. We will have vendors with birds supplies. There will also be educational displays, hourly speakers. All this at a charming setting in a local winery. From 10 4 all visitors are welcome, FREE ADMISSION. For info. E Mail: kenfowler@cox.net; Vista, Ca Contact: Ken or Pene Fowler (760) 806-4433 email: kenfowler@cox.net URL: http:// (Wed Mar 3 00:53:41 2004) ![]()
RMSA Annual April Cage Auction April 17,2004 noon to 5pm Lakeside Mall Still excepting donations; Lakewood, CO Contact: Lisa McManus (303) 456-0068 email: conurecare@comcast.net URL: http://www.rmsa-birds.org (Tue Mar 9 15:00:14 2004) ![]()
June Bird Mart June 26 27 9 5 each day Lakeside Mall Birds, toys and lots bird related; Denver , CO Contact: Lisa McManus (303) 456-0068 email: conurecare@comcast.net URL: http://www.rmsa-birds.org (Tue Mar 9 15:04:43 2004) ![]()
Annual Bird Show and Mart November 6 7 9 to 5 each day Lakeside Mall I70 and Harlan street Lakewood, CO; Denver, CO Contact: Lisa McManus (303) 456-0068 email: conurecare@comcast.net URL: http://www.rmsa-bird.org (Tue Mar 9 15:10:45 2004) ![]()
Denver, CO RMSA June Bird Mart on June 26 27, 9 to 4. Free admission. Birds, toys, cages, art, supplies. Photo contest, raffles, silent auction. Lakeside Center, I 70 Harlan.; Denver, CO Contact: Amy RMSA (303) 456-0068 email: peakmtco@aol.com URL: http://www.RMSA-birds.org (Mon May 3 00:51:13 2004) ![]()
The Madison Area Cagebird Association of Wisconsin MACAW is the host of the ICI / WKOW Online Charity auction, from July 1 until July 30. The ICI / WKOW Online Charity Auction is a production of industryconnection.com. It will run on the WKOW website at www.wkowtv.com. ; Madison, WI Contact: Paula Fitzsimmons (000) 000-0000 email: paulaf@charter.net URL: http://http://macaw.axisdata.com (Tue May 4 15:46:10 2004) ![]()
Middle Tennessee Cage Bird Clubs Exotic Bird Fair Show. Oct 2nd 3rd 2004, Tennessee State Fairgrounds, Nashville. Tn Show Oct 2nd Only 10:00am ? Fair 9am till 5pm Both days. Birds Cage's Seed Toy's Auction' SHOW Wilma 615 890 6906 e mail tnma2@comcast.net Fair Lou 270 825 3628 e mail lbryant@vci.net or ; Nashville, TN Contact: Show-Wilma Crawford -Fair -Lou Bryant (615) 890-6906 email: tnma2@comcast.net OR lbryant@vci.net URL: http://n/a (Thu May 13 16:51:19 2004) ![]()
The Staten Island Bird Club isn't just for Staten Islanders. We offer bird owners and lovers opportunities to share the rewards and challenges of parrot ownership. Club membership allows for networking, learning, and resource sharing. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the All Saints Episcopal Church Woolley Avenue and Victory Blvd at 7:30 p.m.; Staten Island, NY Contact: Jody Williamson (718) 727-9991 email: sibirdclub@verizon.net URL: http://www.sibirdclub.com (Sat Jul 17 22:21:44 2004) ![]()
2nd Annual "Flying Into Knowledge" Seminar Saturday, October 23, 2004 8:00am to 5:00pm Centre at North Park Park District of Franklin Park 10040 Addison Ave., Franklin Park, IL minutes from O'Hare airport Speakers: Dr. Margaret Wissman, Liz Wilson, Bill Parsons Dr. Peter Sakas 60 includes lunch thru Sept. 23rd 70 includes lunch after Sept. 23rd. All proceeds are donated to avian research and conservation organizations. ; Franklin Park, IL Contact: Sheryl Robinson (847) 768-9901 email: president@nipsparrot.org URL: http://www.nipsparrot.org (Thu Aug 5 10:57:29 2004) ![]()
Bird Fair at the Holiday Inn RIDC Park on Sunday, September 12th, 2004 10am 4pm admission is 3.00 DON'T MISS IT!; Blawnox, PA, PA Contact: Michelle (412) 708-0065 email: orloink@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Tue Aug 10 14:40:58 2004) ![]()
Bird Fair at the Holiday Inn RIDC Park on Sunday, September 12th, 2004 10am to 4pm admission is 3.00 DON'T MISS IT!; Blawnox, PA, PA Contact: Michelle (412) 708-0065 email: orloink@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Tue Aug 10 14:41:29 2004) ![]()
Correction on Big Bend Bird Club's Exotic Bird Fair Festival August 28 29 at the Leon County Fair Grounds, South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida Please contact 850 841 BEAK; Tallahassee, FL Contact: Judy Shapiro-Fund Raising Chair (850) 294-3425 email: shapiro090@comcast.net URL: http:// (Thu Aug 12 16:05:19 2004) ![]()
12th Annual Exotic Bird Expo Saturday September 4th 2004 9 am to 5 pm Reno Livestock Event Center Exhibit Hall Washoe County Fairgrounds 1350 Wells Ave.; Reno , NV Contact: Sandy Grffiths (775) 358-7222 email: sandygri@charter.net URL: http://www.raave.com (Sun Aug 22 19:41:38 2004) ![]()
ANNUAL BIRD SHOW 2004 Cabrillo Middle School 2550 Cabrillo Ave Santa Clara, CA Judges for Cockatiels, Hookbills, Canaries, Budgerigars, Finch Softbills Registration: Dec 3, 7 10 PM Sat Dec4, 7 9 AM See website for more info.; Palo Alto, CA Contact: Patricia Pyper (831) 761-9255 email: papyper36@sbcglobal.net URL: http://www.geocities.com/scvcebc/ (Sat Sep 4 13:46:09 2004) ![]()
Annual Spring Bird Fair May 14, 2005 9am 5pm May 15, 2005 10am 4pm North Florida Fair Grounds 441 Paul Russell Rd Adults 3, Children under 12 free Grand Prize Drawing Vendor Tables 55.00 each RV Hook ups; TALLAHASSEE, fl Contact: Barry Laster (850) 668-0908 email: barryl7523@comcast.net URL: http://www.tristateaviansociety.org (Tue Sep 14 20:17:24 2004) ![]()
Annual Spring Bird Fair May 14, 2005 9am 5pm May 15, 2005 10am 4pm North Florida Fair Grounds 441 Paul Russell Rd Adults 3, Children under 12 free Grand Prize Drawing Vendor Tables 55.00 each RV Hook ups; TALLAHASSEE, fl Contact: Barry Laster (850) 668-0908 email: barryl7523@comcast.net URL: http://www.tristateaviansociety.org (Tue Sep 14 20:17:47 2004) ![]()
The remarkable Ken Globus, "The Bird Whisperer" will be in from California holding his famous bird taming workshop Saturday, November 20th. Details can be found on our website www.birdclub.com or call me at 845 292 5242; Monticello, NY Contact: Matt Frumess (845) 292-5242 email: spegga@hvc.rr.com URL: http://www.birdclub.com (Sun Nov 7 14:48:08 2004) ![]()
G.L.A.S. is having it's 29TH Show/Fair. October 15th, 2005 at the Delta Plex, 2500 Turner N.W. Grand Rapids Mi.Admission 3 Seniors 2 and 12 under free. Contact Joyce at noahbird@sbcglobal.net or 616 458 9041 for vendor space or bird show info. Come and enjoy a day of raffles, bake sale educational displays. Open to the public 10am 4pm. Come and buy cages, food, toys, toy parts, a new bird or just want to enjoy a day with your fellow bird fancier, come join us. ; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 458-9041 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://http://www.angelfire.com/glas (Wed Sep 7 20:42:11 2005) ![]()
We, the members of Avian Companions of the Midwest, are dedicated to improve the lives of companion birds. We are convinced that these intelligent, long living, loving and wonderful pets can find happy, healthy homes through education, rehabilitation, adoption and fostering efforts within our club. Meetings are 2nd Sundays at St. Joseph County Library Francis Branch, 52655 Ironwood, South Bend In. Members get monthly newsletter and access to our Avian Education Program. ; South Bend, In Contact: Kathy (574) 656-3988 email: mbkn1@yahoo.com URL: http://www.acotm.com (Fri Sep 9 19:47:55 2005) ![]()
Exotic Bird Expo, Tucson, AZ, Sunday, Oct. 2, 2005, 9 am 4 pm. Rodeway Inn Event Center, I 10 and Grant Road, Exit 256. 3 great raffles and 2 clicker training demonstrations. Parking FREE. Admission 6, under 12 FREE.; Tucson, AZ Contact: Joyce Lekawa (520) 790-7587 email: joyce@surgery.arizona.edu URL: http://www.ArizonaAST.org (Sun Sep 25 16:12:26 2005) ![]()
The Alberta Parrot Association Club is dedicated to the care and welfare of parrots and to providing a forum for sharing ideas and information about caring for parrots.; Edmonton, AB Contact: Jane M (780) 690-0505 email: albertaparrots@canada.com URL: http://www.albertaparrot.org (Sat Oct 8 10:19:23 2005) ![]()
Michiana Bird Society's 12th Annual Bird Fair March 25, 2006 10:00 5:00 Location: Mishawaka F.O.P. Lodge 91 1825 E. 12th Street Mishawaka, IN info: 574 293 9733; Elkhart, IN Contact: Betty (574) 293-9733 email: lollidaiq@verizon.net URL: http://www.michianabirdsociety.com (Fri Jan 13 21:07:03 2006) ![]()
Cockatoo Convention on July 8, 2006 at Freeport Recreation Center, Freeport, NY with guest speaker Sally Blanchard, vet panel, art show, vendors and silent auctions. Everything cockatoo!; Babylon, NY Contact: susan chamberlain (631) 957-1100 email: info@liparrots.org URL: http://www.liparrots.org (Tue Jul 4 06:47:23 2006) ![]()
Delco Bird Club Presents: 2nd Annual Bird Mart Saturday March 31st, 2007 9:00AM to 4:00PM Admission: 7.00/Adults, 3.00/Children, Under 10/Free At The Ramada Inn 76 Industrial Highway, Essington, PA. 19029 Featuring The New Jersey Bird Man and His Amazing Macaws Molly and Polly. For more information call Christine Phelps 610 833 2625 or e mail: RioAhchoo@aol.com or Esther Scholz 610 446 6427 or e mail: Luvsbrds@msn.com ; Media, Pa Contact: Christine Phelps (610) 833-2625 email: RioAhchoo@aol.com URL: http://http://www.geocities.com/delcobirdclub/ (Mon Aug 21 13:03:40 2006) ![]()
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panel main combined extinctions phytoplankton; Miami, Florida Contact: range era trend security serious (range era trend security serious) range era trend security serious-range era trend security serious email: aegelmaerehelma@aol.com URL: http://http://forums.cnet.com (Sun Jun 21 12:14:50 2009) ![]()
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Arizona Seed Crackers Society Fall Bird Mart Saturday 9/26/09 Love Of Christ Lutheran Church 1525 N Power Rd Mesa AZ vendors selling birds from finches to hand fed macaws, toys for every size and type of bird, cages to fit your feathered friend, fresh seed mixes and specialty foods. Lots of other bird related items. Adults 5 Seniors 4 Children under 12 Free Free parking; Mesa, AZ Contact: Susie Vaught (480) 898-7564 email: azvaughts_2@msn.com URL: http://http://www.arizonaseedcrackerssociety.org/ (Tue Sep 1 00:07:39 2009) ![]()
Thursday, October 22, 2009 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm CiCi's Pizza Fundraiser Night 463 Boardman Poland Road, Boardman, Ohio 44512 Buy the buffet, turn in your receipt, and CiCi's will donate a percentage of their profits from your purchase to our club.; Boardman, OH Contact: Amber, Public Relations (330) 881-6535 email: president@mvebc.com URL: http://www.mvebc.com (Tue Oct 20 19:42:28 2009) ![]()
The HEART OF ILLINOIS BIRD CLUB will be sponsoring the first bird show in the central Illinois area on JUNE 12 and 13th of 2010 at the Grand Hotel formerly the Ramada on Brandywine Dr in Peoria. This is a 2 day event featuring a double point show for SPBE and NCS, judging for ALBS, ABS, and NFSS, along with a fair. ; Peoria , IL Contact: Jodie (309) 645-7773 email: HOIBC@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Thu Jan 21 16:38:26 2010) ![]()
Healthy Tamed Hyacinth Macaw Parrots For Adoption Hyacinth macaw parrots for Adoption both Males and females with recent shots, vet checked and DNA Tested, They talk very well and like to play, chat, Lovely birds like to whistle, send email to ngeobertrand@yahoo.com for more info ; austrialia, au Contact: 000000000000000 (000) 000-0000 email: ngeobertrand@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Wed Jan 27 14:40:26 2010) ![]()
Healthy Tamed Hyacinth Macaw Parrots For Adoption Hyacinth macaw parrots for Adoption both Males and females with recent shots, vet checked and DNA Tested, They talk very well and like to play, chat, Lovely birds like to whistle, send email to ngeobertrand@yahoo.com for more info ; austrialia, au Contact: 000000000000000 (000) 000-0000 email: ngeobertrand@yahoo.com URL: http:// (Wed Jan 27 14:49:03 2010) ![]()
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It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/TOURNAMENT BRACKET.html Tournament bracket /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/ESPNU PRINTABLE BRACKET.html Espnu printable bracket /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/BRACKET BUMPER.html Bracket bumper /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/EXPERT BRACKETS.html Expert brackets /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/BRACKETS CALCULATOR.html Brackets calculator /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/WOMEN 47S PRINTABLE BRACKET.html Women 47s printable bracket /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/WOOD BRACKET.html Wood bracket /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/TAX BRACKET FOR 2010.html Tax bracket for 2010 /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/DOUBLE ELIMINATION BRACKET.html Double elimination bracket /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/PERFECT BRACKET.html Perfect bracket /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/EXPERT PICKS BRACKET.html Expert picks bracket /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/SADDLEBAG BRACKETS.html Saddlebag brackets /url url http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/PRINTABLE BASKETBALL BRACKET.html Printable basketball bracket /url a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/PRINTABLE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT BRACKETS.html Printable basketball tournament brackets /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/C BRACKET.html C bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/HIGHER TAX BRACKET.html Higher tax bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/Z BRACKET.html Z bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/BRACKETS CALCULATOR.html Brackets calculator /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/TOURNAMENT BRACKET.html Tournament bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/REAR BRACKET.html Rear bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/FEDERAL TAX BRACKETS 2008.html Federal tax brackets 2008 /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/BRACKET WRESTLING.html Bracket wrestling /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/NFL BRACKET.html Nfl bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/NCCA BRACKET.html Ncca bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/WOMEN 47S PRINTABLE BRACKET.html Women 47s printable bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/PRINTABLE MEN 47S BRACKET.html Printable men 47s bracket /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/MOUNTING BRACKETS.html Mounting brackets /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/TAX BRACKETS FOR 2009.html Tax brackets for 2009 /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/COLLEGE BASKETBALL PRINTABLE BRACKETS.html College basketball printable brackets /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/PRINTABLE BRACKETOLOGY.html Printable bracketology /a a href http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/WALL BRACKET.html Wall bracket /a ; Exeter, Exeter Contact: Cool sites () - email: ArgyrosWersute64@gawab.com URL: http://http://ncaa.edu.ms/ncaa/ (Fri Mar 19 17:24:30 2010) ![]()
WHERE CENTRAL TEXAS BIRD OWNERS GO! The Austin Parrot Society is founded on a principle of community, education and support. We are a group of like minded parrot owners in the Central, TX area, who are dedicated to improving the welfare of their companion parrots through education. What will you learn? Positive Reinforcement, Proper Nutrition, Enrichment, Foraging, First Aid, and much, much more!!; Austin, TX Contact: Tracey Harrington (512) 217-4699 email: info@austinparrotsociety.com URL: http://www.austinparrotsociety.com (Thu May 20 01:23:00 2010) ![]()
34th Exotic Bird Fair and Cockatiel Show. Buy birds and bird toys. October 16, 2010 10AM 4PM Delta Plex Arena 2500 Turner NW, Grand Rapids, MI http://www/deltaplex.com 3 Adults...... 2 Sseniors 60 over.......Children 12 under freed with paid admission.; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://glasbirdclub.org (Wed Jul 14 02:51:11 2010) ![]()
34th Exotic Bird Fair and Cockatiel Show. Buy birds and bird toys. October 16, 2010 10AM 4PM Delta Plex Arena 2500 Turner NW, Grand Rapids, MI http://www/deltaplex.com 3 Adults...... 2 Seniors 60 over.......Children 12 under freed with paid admission.; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://glasbirdclub.org (Wed Jul 14 02:52:37 2010) ![]()
34th Exotic Bird Fair and Cockatiel Show. Buy birds and bird toys. October 16, 2010 10AM 4PM Delta Plex Arena 2500 Turner NW, Grand Rapids, MI http://www/deltaplex.com 3 Adults...... 2 Seniors 60 over.......Children 12 under freed with paid admission.; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://glasbirdclub.org (Wed Jul 14 02:53:03 2010) ![]()
34th Exotic Bird Fair and Cockatiel Show. Buy birds and bird toys. October 16, 2010.......10AM 4PM Delta Plex Arena 2500 Turner NW, Grand Rapids, MI http://www/deltaplex.com 3 Adults...... 2 Seniors 60 over.......Children 12 under freed with paid admission.; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://glasbirdclub.org (Wed Jul 14 02:53:19 2010) ![]()
34th Exotic Bird Fair and Cockatiel Show. Buy birds and bird toys. October 16, 2010.......10AM to 4PM Delta Plex Arena 2500 Turner NW, Grand Rapids, MI http://www/deltaplex.com 3 Adults...... 2 Seniors 60 over.......Children 12 under freed with paid admission.; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://glasbirdclub.org (Wed Jul 14 02:53:30 2010) ![]()
34th Exotic Bird Fair and Cockatiel Show. Buy birds and bird toys. October 16, 2010.......10AM to 4PM Delta Plex Arena 2500 Turner NW, Grand Rapids, MI http://www/deltaplex.com ; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://glasbirdclub.org (Wed Jul 14 02:54:19 2010) ![]()
34th Exotic Bird Fair and Cockatiel Show. Buy birds and bird toys. October 16, 2010.......10AM to 4PM Delta Plex Arena 2500 Turner NW, Grand Rapids, MI http://www/deltaplex.com ; Grand Rapids, MI Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://www.glasbirdclub.org (Wed Jul 14 02:54:47 2010) ![]()
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http://kkrl.tk/c1 http://lfpo.tk/1c http://wjht.tk/cp http://fhtf.tk/cw http://wszm.tk/h2 http://kkrl.tk/5n http://wjht.tk/2b http://lfpo.tk/14d http://fhtf.tk/sz http://wszm.tk/qh http://wszm.tk/14v http://fhtf.tk/13f http://kkrl.tk/in http://wjht.tk/11k http://lfpo.tk/k3 http://fhtf.tk/14b http://lfpo.tk/g2 http://wjht.tk/kn http://wszm.tk/sv http://kkrl.tk/im http://wjht.tk/ov http://wszm.tk/105 http://lfpo.tk/n3 http://fhtf.tk/jh http://kkrl.tk/za http://wszm.tk/5s http://wjht.tk/i9 http://lfpo.tk/8f http://fhtf.tk/7a http://kkrl.tk/50 http://fhtf.tk/130 http://wszm.tk/pa http://wjht.tk/sx http://kkrl.tk/u7 http://lfpo.tk/v8 http://wszm.tk/16 http://fhtf.tk/7s http://wjht.tk/jv http://kkrl.tk/ti http://lfpo.tk/40 ; Camille Eaton, CA Contact: Wesley Phillips ((936)646-2126) (930)659-4007-(267)227-3831 email: dcflychc@yahoo.com URL: http://http://fhtf.tk/8k (Wed Sep 29 17:21:03 2010) ![]()
Alamo Exhibition Bird Club San Antonio, Texas Meetings 4th. Sunday of every month at 2:30pm at 311 Allen Sheppard in Kirby, Texas Southeast San Antonio . Fiesta Bird Mart April 09, 2011 Live Oak Civic Center San Antonio, Texas Contact: Stella Selby stella.selby@yahoo.com 210 649 1828 www.aebc.org ; San Antonio, TX Contact: Stella Selby (210) 649-1828 email: stella.selby@yahoo.com URL: http://www.aebc.org (Tue Dec 7 14:25:40 2010) ![]()
Bird shop for bird food, bird feed and bird suppliers. A expert bird food suppliers bird seed suppliers has been selling quality wild bird seed, seed mixes, bird gift service, black sunflower seeds, straights seeds, suet and fat foods, niger seed and many more bird related services.; Hampshire, VA Contact: Web master (014) 898-8967 email: ganesh@tridentindia.net URL: http://http://www.streetendfeeds.co.uk/ (Tue Mar 29 22:06:39 2011) ![]()
UK based wild bird food shop and garden bird feed supplier offers quality bird treats which include garden bird seed and garden bird food like seed mixes, suet coated peanuts, suet coated sunflower hearts, dried earthworms, seeds with insects and suet pellets with fruits and berries.; Hampshire, Ha Contact: Web master (014) 898-8967 email: ganesh@tridentindia.net URL: http://http://www.streetendfeeds.co.uk/product.asp?catid= (Wed Mar 30 00:18:24 2011) ![]()
birds holic, parrots, love birds, Parakeets, Caiques and more; ausy, au Contact: dadadada (448) 574-3325 email: safhk@gmail.com URL: http://www.birdholic.blogspot.com (Thu May 19 12:09:03 2011) ![]()
GLAS meets the 2nd Monday of the month at BSA, 3213 Walker NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49514 @ 7 pm. You do not need to be a member to attend meetings; Grand Rapids, Mi Contact: Joyce Burrows (616) 805-3563 email: noahbird@sbcglobal.net URL: http://www.glasbirdclub.org (Wed Feb 1 12:22:29 2012) ![]() |